Saturday, February 9, 2008


Thank you for using PRAYER MATTERS to pray for our church. Please use this as an addition to your regular prayer time. which should include praising God, confession, thanksgiving, and petition. The requests in this guide belong in the petition part of your prayer time. This should be considered a supplement to your prayer time and not be the entirety of your prayer time. E-mail suggestions to Buddy Copeland at Please note that this guide is designed for prayer for the pastor, other ministers, and ministries of the church. Prayer requests for individuals will be continue to be honored in Wednesday's prayer guide.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered in any way. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Children's Ministry Team (Shelley Ruiz) - To be able to assist and support Fayez Ayoub in children's ministries in the church. Activities Ministry Team- That they will be able to provide and direct activities to promote fellowship and outreach in the church. Guatemala Mission Trip July 13-24, 2008.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor as he finalizes sermon preparation. Pray that God will be able to speak through him and that he will be empowered by the Holy Spirit for tomorrow's sermon. Pray for Sunday's worship services that people will be ministered to through the worship services. Pastor's Family--Pray for their children, Marlee, Delaney, and Drake that they will be blessed by being pastor's children. Pray that they will do well in school. Fayez Ayoub as he directs the children’s ministries. Loaf & Ladle/Hospitiality (Sue Scholera & Shirley Murphy). Pray that they will be able to provide meals and hospitality to support church events. SS teachers as they teach tomorrow. Deacons and Yokefellows (Roger Hall)-That Deacons will support the church’s pastors and ministries and be spiritual leaders in the church. Rejoice Dance Ministry.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
SS teachers as they teach. All involved in leading in the worship services. Pre Christians present in worship. Children's Choirs. Pastor--Pray for him as he preaches. Pray for hearts that are prepared to listen to the proclamation of God's Word that there will be receptive hearts. Pray that his day will be unhindered by any distractions so that he can concentrate on preaching and relating to people. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will bless them with health and harmony. Pray that the entire family will be free to be who God made them and not have to live up to someone else's expectations. International Ministry (Linda Copeland). That they might be able to assist internationals with English and lead them to know Christ.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor-sermon preparation for coming Sunday . Curtis Barnes (Shelly, Caleb, Anna, & Daniel) -Vision for SS, SS leadership, new workers for SS. Pastor--Pray that we will be wise in taking as much load off of him as possible so he can focus on his major responsibilities. Pray for him as he meets with different committees and leaders in the administration of the work of the church. Pastor's Family--Pray for Troy and Cheri's extended families that God will protect them and that the distance will not be a hindrance to their supporting them in love and prayer. Stewardship of our church members. That they might give out of a loving grateful heart to meet the needs of the church. Library (Media) Ministry (Mary Jo Sloan)- To be able to provide books and other materials to enrich the lives of the FBCMI family. Ushers-That they will be able to assist people and worship a better experience for them. Tellers-as they count the previous day’s receipts every Monday.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Andy Hale (Christy) -Visits in Community, More people to become involved in servanthood evangelism, a greater evangelistic vision for the church. Pastor--Pray for him as he leads the other pastors and staff that there will be an amazing bond of love and unity and that they will pray and work effectively together. Pray for Charlene Anderson, his Ministry Assistant, as she assists him in ministry. Pray for harmony on the entire church staff that they will all see how their ministry fits into the church's mission. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will keep Troy's mind and heart free from any family distractions by blessing the family with health and happiness. Missions Ministry (Will Mathews) That the church might be involved in missions financially, in prayer, and by going or helping others to go to the mission field.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Byron Cutrer (Vickie & Barrett) - Prep for Sun, Choir, Orchestra, Praise Team, music ministry. Bob Bateman (Juanell) - prep for Wed evening service, Bateman family. All classes and events at church for evening activities. Pastor--Pray that he will bathe his ministry in prayer and devotional study in addition to studying to preach. Pray that God will reveal to him the truths that he needs to apply to his own life and to those to whom he preaches. Pray for him as he encounters people that he can effectively and lovingly minister to everyone with whom he talks. Pastor's Family--Pray that Troy will never have to neglect his family in order to do his job as pastor and that he will have adequate time to be a loving and caring father and husband. Scott Brannan (Lizzy, lily, & Soloman) that God will bless him in directing the audio and video ministry for all church functions and that all of our equipment will function adequately to avoid any disruption in worship and other activities. Inside Out-Children’s Wed night ministry.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Nathan Chapman (Casey & Brakian), Pat Meacham-Youth ministry, leaders. David Crawford (Peggy, Colleen & Hope) as he administers the organizational and business matters of the church. Pastor--Pray for responsiveness to his ministry by both Christians and pre Christians. Pray that God will give him a strong and clear vision for the church and that we as a congregation will enthusiastically commit ourselves to that vision. Pastor's Family-- Pray that we as a church will show love and appreciation to Troy's family as well as to the families of all of our pastors. Nominating Team Ministry (Jeff Sanders). To place qualified people in all needed positions in the church. Church Clerk - Martha James. . Personnel Team Ministry (Chuck Kleinschmidt). To be able to meet all personnel needs of the church. Church Moderator - Phillip Meade. Member Involvement-That a larger number of our members will become involved in some area of ministry in the church.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Merritt Island Christian School. (David Piccolo & Mike Cox). That our School might reach students with the Gospel and teach them to know how to become Godly students. Pray for the teachers, students, and other staff. Pray for a great relationship between the church and school.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor as he finalizes sermon preparation. Pray that God will be able to speak through him and that he will be empowered by the Holy Spirit for tomorrow's sermon. Pray for Sunday's worship services that people will be ministered to through the worship services. Pastor's Family--Pray for their children, Marlee, Delaney, and Drake that they will be blessed by being pastor's children. Pray that they will do well in school. Fayez Ayoub as he directs the children’s ministries. Jubilation (Tim Waggoner)- That they might bless and be blessed with their music. Adults On Mission - Joy Wallace. China Mission Trip-2009.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
SS Teachers as they teach. All involved in leading in the worship services. Pre Christians present in worship. Children's choirs. Pastor--Pray for him as he preaches. Pray for hearts that are prepared to listen to the proclamation of God's Word that there will be receptive hearts. Pray that his day will be unhindered by any distractions so that he can concentrate on preaching and relating to people. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will bless them with health and harmony. Pray that the entire family will be free to be who God made them and not have to live up to someone else's expectations. Audio Ministry (Tony Venable), Lighting Ministry (Wyatt Miler). To help make the Worship experience and other events flow smoothly. Trustees, other leaders as they consider renovation plans.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor-sermon preparation for coming Sunday . Curtis Barnes Shelly, Caleb, Anna, & Daniel)-Vision for SS, SS leadership, new workers for SS. Pastor--Pray that we will be wise in taking as much load off of him as possible so he can focus on his major responsibilities. Pray for him as he meets with different committees and leaders in the administration of the work of the church. Pastor's Family--Pray for Troy and Cheri's extended families that God will protect them and that the distance will not be a hindrance to their supporting them in love and prayer. Cancer Support Ministry (George and Susanna Hamilton). To be able to provide help and comfort to victims of cancer and their families.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Andy Hale (Christy) -Visits in Community, More people to become involved in servanthood evangelism, a greater evangelistic vision for the church. Pastor--Pray for him as he leads the other pastors and staff that there will be an amazing bond of love and unity and that they will pray effectively together. Pray Charlene Anderson, his Ministry Assistant, as she assists him in ministry. Pray for harmony on the entire church staff that they will all see how their ministry fits into the church's mission. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will keep Troy's mind and heart free from any family distractions by blessing the family with health and happiness. House of Hope Ministry- That they might be able to provide physical and spiritual food for those in need. That they might have sufficient volunteers for their needs.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Byron Cutrer (Vickie & Barrett) - prep for Sun, Choir, Orchestra, Praise Team, music ministry. Bob Bateman (Juanell)- prep for Wed evening service. All classes and events at church for evening activities. Pastor--Pray that he will bathe his ministry in prayer and devotional study in addition to studying to preach. Pray that God will reveal to him the truths that he needs to apply to his own life and to those to whom he preaches. Pray for him as he encounters people that he can effectively and lovingly minister to everyone with whom he talks. Pastor's Family--Pray that Troy will never have to neglect his family in order to do his job as pastor and that he will have adequate time to be a loving and caring father and husband. Scott Brannan (Lizzy, lily, & Soloman) that God will bless him in directing the audio and video ministry for all church functions and that all of our equipment will function adequately to avoid any disruption in worship and other activities. . Inside Out-Children’s Wed night ministry.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Nathan Chapman (Casey & Brakian), Pat Meacham-Youth ministry, leaders, Chapman family. David Crawford (Peggy, Colleen & Hope) as he administers the organizational and business matters of the church. Pastor--Pray for the responsiveness to his ministry by both Christians and pre Christians. Pray that God will give him strong and clear vision for the church and that we as a congregation will enthusiastically commit ourselves to that vision. Pastor's Family-- Pray that we as a church will show love and appreciation to Troy's family as well as to the families of all of our pastors. Prison Ministry (John Lawrence). That they might be able to share the Gospel with prisoners who need our Lord. . Prayer Ministry (Betty Trull). That they might be able to influence many of our members to pray for their church and it's ministries. Prayer Matters- that this prayer guide might increase our members prayers for our church and staff and enrich their own spiritual lives.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -Member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him stong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Security Team Steve Lum, Tony Hunter) To be able to provide security and protection to those who attend our church events.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor as he finalizes sermon preparation. Pray that God will be able to speak through him and that he will be empowered by the Holy Spirit for tomorrow's sermon. Pray for Sunday's worship services that people will be ministered to through the worship services. Pastor's Family--Pray for their children, Marlee, Delaney, and Drake that they will be blessed by being pastor's children. Pray that they will do well in school. Fayez Ayoub as he directs the children’s ministries. Transportation Ministry (Randy Scott). To keep our church vehicles in top condition to make them ready for use to reach people.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
SS teachers as they teach. All involved in leading in the worship services. Pre Christians present in worship. Children's choirs. Pastor--Pray for him as he preaches. Pray for hearts that are prepared to listen to the proclamation of God's Word that there will be receptive hearts. Pray that his day will be unhindered by any distractions so that he can concentrate on preaching and relating to people. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will bless them with health and harmony. Pray that the entire family will be free to be who God made them and not have to live up to someone else's expectations. Usher & Greeter Ministry (Sid Shipley). That they might have sufficient help to greet those who come to our services and assist in taking the offering.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor-sermon preparation for coming Sunday . Curtis Barnes Shelly, Caleb, Anna, & Daniel)-vision for SS, SS leadership, new workers for SS. Pastor--Pray that we will be wise in taking as much load off of him as possible so he can focus on his major responsibilities. Pray for him as he meets with different committees and leaders in the administration of the work of the church. Pastor's Family--Pray for Troy and Cheri's extended families that God will protect them and that the distance will not be a hindrance to their supporting them in love and prayer. Welcome Team (Tommy & Teresa Blair). To be able to have positive minded people to greet and welcome those who come to our services.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Andy Hale (Christy) -Visits in Community, A 1 8, More people to become involved in servanthood evangelism, a greater evangelistic vision for the church. Pastor--Pray for him as he leads the other pastors and staff that there will be an amazing bond of love and unity and that they will pray effectively together. Pray Charlene Anderson, his Ministry Assistant, as she assists him in ministry. Pray for harmony on the entire church staff that they will all see how their ministry fits into the church's mission. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will keep Troy's mind and heart free from any family distractions by blessing the family with health and happiness. Titus 2 Ministry (Carolyn Tudor)

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Byron Cutrer (Vickie & Barrett) - prep for Sun, Choir, Orchestra, Praise Team, music ministry. Bob Bateman (Juanell)- prep for Wed evening service. All classes and events at church for evening activities. Pastor--Pray that he will bathe his ministry in prayer and devotional study in addition to studying to preach. Pray that God will reveal to him the truths that he needs to apply to his own life and to those to whom he preaches. Pray for him as he encounters people that he can effectively and lovingly minister to everyone with whom he talks. Pastor's Family--Pray that Troy will never have to neglect his family in order to do his job as pastor and that he will have adequate time to be a loving and caring father and husband Scott Brannan (Lizzy, lily, & Soloman) that God will bless him in directing the audio and video ministry for all church functions and that all of our equipment will function adequately to avoid any disruption in worship and other activities. . Inside Out-Children’s Wed night ministry.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Nathan Chapman (Casey & Brakian), Pat Meacham-Youth ministry, leaders. David Crawford (Peggy, Colleen & Hope) as he administers the organizational and business matters of the church. Pastor--Pray for the responsiveness to his ministry by both Christians and pre Christians. Pray that God will give him strong and clear vision for the church and that we as a congregation will enthusiastically commit ourselves to that vision. Pastor's Family-- Pray that we as a church will show love and appreciation to Troy's family as well as to the families of all of our pastors. Ministerial Students Ministry Team (Rob Robinson) to encourage ministry students from our church financially and spiritually. . Senior Adult Ministry. That they might be able to provide fellowship and spiritual activities to reach our senior adults. Church Parlimentarian and Trustees- H. A. Rigdon. .

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Baptism Ministry Team (Mike & Sharon Cox). That they might be able to meet the needs of those being baptized to make their baptism a very special and spiritual event.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Pastor as he finalizes sermon preparation. Pray that God will be able to speak through him and that he will be empowered by the Holy Spirit for tomorrow's sermon. Pray for Sunday's worship services that people will be ministered to through the worship services. Pastor's Family--Pray for their children, Marlee, Delaney, and Drake that they will be blessed by being pastor's children. Pray that they will do well in school. Fayez Ayoub as he directs the children’s ministries. First Space Coast Foundation (Henry Goolsby). Benevelonce Ministry (Devid Crawford) That they will be able to minister to people in need by providing them with assistance financially in the name of Christ.

Pastor (family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services today, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
SS teachers as they teach. All involved in leading in the worship services. Pre Christians present in worship. Children's choirs. Pastor--Pray for him as he preaches. Pray for hearts that are prepared to listen to the proclamation of God's Word that there will be receptive hearts. Pray that his day will be unhindered by any distractions so that he can concentrate on preaching and relating to people. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will bless them with health and harmony. Pray that the entire family will be free to be who God made them and not have to live up to someone else's expectations. New Christians That they might be discipled and find a place of service. Mission Care Center-(Leona Lee

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Curtis Barnes Shelly, Caleb, Anna, & Daniel) -vision for SS, SS leadership, new workers for SS, Barnes Family. Pastor--Pray that we will be wise in taking as much load off of him as possible so he can focus on his major responsibilities. Pray for him as he meets with different committees and leaders in the administration of the work of the church. Pastor's Family--Pray for Troy and Cheri's extended families that God will protect them and that the distance will not be a hindrance to their supporting them in love and prayer. Maintenance Support Team-That they can keep our church facilities in top notch shape for all events. Church Business Office. Media Ministry, (John Collins).

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Andy Hale (Christy) -Visits in Community, A 1 8, More people to become involved in servanthood evangelism, a greater evangelistic vision for the church. Pastor--Pray for him as he leads the other pastors and staff that there will be an amazing bond of love and unity and that they will pray effectively together. Pray for Charlene Anderson, his Ministry Assistant, as she assists him in ministry. Pray for harmony on the entire church staff that they will all see how their ministry fits into the church's mission. Pastor's Family--Pray that God will keep Troy's mind and heart free from any family distractions by blessing the family with health and happiness. Office Support Team- that they will be able to keep ministries and organizations in the church operating effectively. House and Grounds Team (Gary Spears)-That they can provide guidance and assistance in all issues related to church facilities.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Byron Cutrer (Vickie & Barrett) - prep for Sun, Choir, Orchestra, Praise Team, music ministry. Bob Bateman (Juanell)- prep for Wed evening service. All classes and events at church for evening activities. Pastor--Pray that he will bathe his ministry in prayer and devotional study in addition to studying to preach. Pray that God will reveal to him the truths that he needs to apply to his own life and to those to whom he preaches. Pray for him as he encounters people that he can effectively and lovingly minister to everyone with whom he talks. Pastor's Family--Pray that Troy will never have to neglect his family in order to do his job as pastor and that he will have adequate time to be a loving and caring father and husband Scott Brannan (Lizzy, lily, & Soloman) that God will bless him in directing the audio and video ministry for all church functions and that all of our equipment will function adequately to avoid any disruption in worship and other activities. Trustees, other leaders as they consider renovation plans. . Inside Out-Children’s Wed night ministry.

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Nathan Chapman (Casey & Brakian), Pat Meacham-Youth ministry, leaders. David Crawford (Peggy, Colleen & Hope) as he administers the organizational and business matters of the church. Pastor--Pray for the responsiveness to his ministry by both Christians and pre Christians. Pray that God will give him strong and clear vision for the church and that we as a congregation will enthusiastically commit ourselves to that vision. Pastor's Family-- Pray that we as a church will show love and appreciation to Troy's family as well as to the families of all of our pastors. Church Historian-(Lyvonne Burleson)- That we will be able to keep good records to preserve our church’s history. Men’s Ministry (Steve Martin)-That we can minister to the men in our church. Treasurer (Cal Burch).

Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Baptism Ministry Team (Mike & Sharon Cox). That they might be able to meet the needs of those being baptized to make their baptism a very special and spiritual event. Pastor (sermon preparation, family, health, vision, leadership, etc.), Worship Services on Sunday, laborers for the harvest, more people to be involved in ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, A One 8 (evangelistic outreach), church's finances/member's stewardship, Baptisms (goal 150) and other additions (goal 175).
Titus Green (Emily, Logan, & Mia) -member involvement, placing members where they belong in service. Kim LaRue- APC and Women's Ministries, Kim's family. Pastor--Pray that God will keep him strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically that his ministry will not be hindered. Pastor's Family--Pray for Cheri that she can be supportive of Troy and his ministry and that she will be a wise, loving, and caring wife and mother. Pray that God will bless her as she serves Him through her service to the church. Baptism Ministry Team (Mike & Sharon Cox). That they might be able to meet the needs of those being baptized to make their baptism a very special and spiritual event. Church Finances-Auditing Team (Jerry Hoogerheide), Budget and Finance Ministry Team (Jerry Kaufman),